Grant Opportunities Innovate

For companies that want to innovate with a service or product, there are various subsidy schemes available, whether European, national, regional or local. Here is an overview of the most relevant schemes.

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Innovate grant opportunities

Research and Development Promotion Act ( WBSO)
As an employer, are you engaged in R&D? Or do you conduct technical-scientific research? Then you may be able to make use of the WBSO (Wet Bevordering Speur- en Ontwikkelingswerk). The WBSO is a tax scheme that allows you to reduce your costs for Research & Development (R&D). It gives you a tax advantage.

Feasibility voucher Smart Industry
A Feasibility Voucher Smart Industry can be applied for until December 31, 2021 for activities that contribute to making the manufacturing industry smarter and digitalized. The voucher of up to €10,000 can be used at a knowledge institution, Smart Industry Fieldlab, testbed for the manufacturing industry or entrepreneurial organization or private smart tech consultancy with a proven track record in the field of Smart Industry consultancy.

ERDF Opportunities for West .
More large-scale projects that contribute to technological development or innovation in the region or the low-carbon economy can appeal to the ERDF Opportunities for West program . This program offers various funding structures , often for regional collaborations.

Interreg is a grant scheme for innovative and sustainability projects that strengthen Europe, working together across borders.

Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is the over 95 billion euro research and innovation program. Calls for entries appear with great regularity per sector or theme. For both SMEs and consortia of companies and knowledge institutions.

Program Investment Ready Innovative SME (PIM NH)
The Programma Investeringsgereed Innovatief MKB (PIMNH) helps SMEs in North Holland with growth and financing questions, including the implementation of key technologies, energy and sustainability measures and activities for the circular economy. PIM does this by providing customized advice, master classes and online support.