June 26, 2024


We devise and build process lines for blasting and coating long steel objects such as pipes and tubes. We supply these all over the world to companies that apply the coatings to pipe segments in order to subsequently build a safe energy network. So indirectly, we ensure that the world is supplied with (green) energy.

When it comes to the transportation of energy, the world is in transition. From traditional sources such as oil, water and gas, a shift is taking place to more sustainable sources such as hydrogen, biogas and CO2. Our green mission is "Enhancing the planet's resource infrastructure with digital precision. This objective aligns one-to-one with Techport's mission to become the first green industrial zone in the Netherlands.

In recent years we have scrutinized our own processes in terms of cleaner production. That meant a huge change in working methods. For example, we work with 'digital twins' to test our designs virtually. This eliminates errors before production takes place. This saves working hours, manpower and emissions. In this way, we also indirectly reduce our customers' carbon footprint.

Why partner with Techport?

Selmers has been established in the region since 1966 and therefore has the IJmond region at heart. Selmers' core values are cooperation and taking responsibility. Through the cooperation with Techport, we hope to partner with companies with the same objective, in order to learn from each other, exchange experiences and become better known regionally.

Contact details

Rob Schouten