Sept. 7, 2020

The Marel

Kindcentrum de Marel strives for a form of education in which in the morning basic subjects such as arithmetic, spelling, reading and writing are offered in a structured way at different levels in a curriculum class group with one or two permanent teachers. In the afternoon, they focus on thematic work in which creative subjects, music and sports, among others, are incorporated into a theme that children work on according to a circuit model. Technology is also central to thematic work. And they know that you don't have to do that hap snap. With a broad offer and stimulating education we work on a good basis so that they children are well prepared for secondary school.

Education is continued after school by after-school care Welschap. they tie in with the themes and in terms of technology they also tie in through after-school workshops.

Why Techport?

Leonie Stoel, technology coordinator at De Marel says, "Our first introduction to Techport was in the spring of 2019. At that time, we were just orienting ourselves to new teaching methods and we wanted to think about it carefully before becoming a Techport partner. A school year later (in which the world looked very different also because of corona) we reconnected. Techport came personally to hand over the technique range and actually after that it was settled in no time with the planning of the technique activities within our renewed education.

The technology range lists the technology activities in the region for each group. So we no longer had to spend hours surfing the Internet to look up suitable technique activities. We used the previous school year to change teaching methods. In that, we also thought carefully about how technology education fits into this. Techport has put us on the right track; in doing so we looked very clearly at what would suit our school and our students. This school year we can therefore really start on technique and technology".

As a Techport School, De Marel, too, is now going to pay even better attention to technology lessons and to creating good images in children about technology. And not only with children; teachers are also discovering that engineering and technology are everywhere!

Contact details

Marie-José van de Vegt