Summer school Velsen aims to prevent summer dip in children
Since 2020, the school boards of Atlant, IJmare and Fedra and the municipality of Velsen have been organizing the Summer School. For three weeks, children can brush up on their knowledge in a fun and effective way. This year the Summer School will take place from July 23 to August 9. Carla Oude Groen, director of Techport school De Vliegende Hollander (IJmare) and also director of the Summer School tells more about it.
What is the program of the Summer School?
In the morning we focus on the core subjects of reading, math and language. These subjects are taught playfully by a duo of teachers and teaching assistants. We work with small groups, so there is a lot of attention for individual learning goals. In the afternoon we organize instructive, fun and challenging activities within different themes, in cooperation with external partners. These activities help students discover their talents.
Can you talk a little more about these themes and the activities?
We have three main themes. The first theme is "Green you must do!", in which we collaborate with the Bosw8er. Children are introduced to our beautiful vegetable garden and learn about nature and sustainability. The second theme is "Tasty and healthy!", in cooperation with Tommy Tomato and Vitakids. Here we give cooking workshops, among other things. The third theme is "You can do more than you think!", where children are introduced to the seven worlds of technology. This year that includes a technical Lego workshop, provided by e2 Young Engineers from Haarlem.
How did the Summer School come about?
The Summer School is an initiative of the three school boards Atlant, IJmare and Fedra, in cooperation with the municipality of Velsen. In 2020, we expressed the ambition to jointly set up a summer school to combat the summer dip. Thanks to a grant from the municipality, we were able to run a pilot in 2021, which was a great success. Since then, the Summer School has continued and we are constantly improving the concept.
What exactly do you mean by the "summer dip"?
The summer dip refers to the loss of knowledge and skills that children often experience during the summer vacation due to a long time away from school. Through Summer School, we hope to prevent this and give children a head start for the new school year.
How is the Summer School financed?
The Summer School is made possible by a grant from the Municipality of Velsen and cooperation with the school boards. Sterk Techniek Onderwijs IJmond/South-Kennemerland is also contributing to the technical Lego workshops this year. This makes it possible for us to offer a high quality program at no cost to the parents.
Is participation in Summer School mandatory for children?
Participation is voluntary, but not optional. Parents enroll their children for the full three weeks. Only in cases of very serious circumstances or illness may children miss school. We feel it is important that children experience continuity in order to take full advantage of the program.
What are the reactions of parents and children to Summer School?
The reactions are mostly positive. Parents see that their children enjoy going to Summer School and really learn something. Children enjoy it because the program is varied and playful. They discover new interests and develop their talents in a relaxed setting.
Do you have one last message for parents considering enrolling their children?
Sure! The Summer School offers a unique opportunity for children to learn through play and discover their talents in an inspiring environment. It is a valuable way to use the summer vacation and start the new school year prepared. We look forward to welcoming your children!
For more information, check out Summer School Velsen!