Z-Bridge winner Techport Challenge 2022
The winner of the Techport Challenge 2022 is Z-Bridge. Z-Bridge has developed an innovative access system for offshore wind. This allows people and goods to be transferred safely and with smaller vessels from a moving ship to an offshore wind turbine. By winning the Techport Challenge, they may participate in the GO!NH Growth program from the Province of North Holland.
Techport organized a Techport Challenge in spring 2022 for innovative SMEs and startups active in smart industry, smart maintenance and digitalization in the manufacturing, maritime and offshore industries. The Techport Challenge is aimed at developing smart technology solutions that can make the manufacturing and maintenance industry smarter, more sustainable and cleaner. These can be innovations that reduce emissions, but also innovations that allow installations to run more efficiently, make maintenance cycles more effective or contribute in a broader sense.
Z-Bridge is a specialized company that designs, builds and rents access systems for the offshore market. Z-Bridge is a young and innovative company operating in the manufacturing industry. The goal of Techport and the promotion of an education in engineering are key for a start-up company to grow in this region. So what better way to actively support this initiative.
GO!NH Growth
By winning the Techport Challenge, Z-Bridge won a spot in the GO!NH Growth program where companies go through an intensive three-month process of workshops and in-depth analysis of their business model. Here they receive support from coaches and experts and learn to search for and find a repeatable and scalable business model faster and more focused. In this way, they come one step closer to building a profitable business.
New Energy Coalition
In partnership with the New Energy Coalition, Techport has been given the opportunity to mentor three additional companies through the GO!-NH Accelerator 2022 program. This is an accelerator program specifically for SMEs and startups whose product, service or innovation is still in the development stage and has yet to prove that the market needs the innovation. These include Texel4Trading, Danvos and DOPS.
Texel4Trading makes floating solar panels, which generate such a substantial energy output that Texel can largely meet their energy needs. Danvos (Opperdoes) has developed a circular and integral filter process for removing ammonia from stall air and manure. The captured ammonia can be recycled as fertilizer or added to a fuel cell to generate electricity and heat. DOPS Recycling Technologies is working with pyrolysis technology to process waste that is currently incinerated. Thanks to the technology, more raw materials are preserved for reuse.
Techport Innovation Partners