June 28, 2024

Challenge trophy awarded during 7th Technology Table Working and Learning

On June 13, the 7th Technology Table Working and Learning took place, with the theme "The next step. And many steps were taken and insights gained in the field of more and well-trained technical and technological personnel in North Holland for the climate challenge. During the meeting, the challenge trophy Working and Developing 2030 North Holland was presented to Erik de Mink as a connector in context-rich education, founder of Techportal.nl and booster and ambassador PET Events (Promotie Event Techniek) and Tech Your Talent. He received the award from delegate Esther Rommel and previous winner Monique van der Voort.
Erik de Mink is involved in Techport as project leader of educational contacts and in that role also with the PET IJmond and Tech Your Talent as parts of the Techport Technology Week.

The Technology Table is an annual meeting organized by the province of North Holland. This is when various themes from the Work and Development manifesto are discussed in the field of work and development.