October 18, 2024

More than 5,000 students, teachers and parents immersed in the world of sustainable technology during the fifth Techport Technology Week

We look back with satisfaction on a successful Techport Technology Week! Over 5000 children and young people participated in the dozens of technology promotion activities during Techport Technology Week 2024 from October 7 to 11. This fifth edition offered an exciting and full program for students in grades 6, 7 and 8 of elementary school and in junior and senior secondary schools. But there was also much to experience for teachers and the children's parents and guardians. For example, 250 parents and caregivers visited the Open Evening with their child and 90 teachers did an inspiration workshop on robots.

Since its first edition in 2019, Techport Technology Week has grown tremendously as a regional event. The original Promotional Technique Event (PET) IJmond with which it began is now one of many program elements. The target audience has also broadened. Whereas the PET is aimed at group 8 of primary education, the Techport Technology Week activities are also aimed at group 6 and 7 of primary education and secondary school students. The ambition is to also offer a program for college and university students in the region in the future.

Read the press release sent out on Oct. 18 here.

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Techport thanks all the companies, schools and organizations that contributed to this fifth Techport Technology Week with a workshop or company visit:

Alliander | Assumburg Koeltechniek | Ayop | Blok System Supply | Bouwmensen | Breman Wesco - IJmuiden | BTAC Solutions | Dali College | Damen Ship Repair | De Bie | Equans | Eriks | Facta | Felisenum | Fix Maakonderwijs | Big Brother | HVC | Hydrauvison | Ichtus Lyceum | Innomax | Installation Work NH | Junior IOT | Kennemer Techlab | Lexlab | Maritiem College IJmuiden | MSD | Nex Technician | Producers Company | Rigo Verffabriek | SBB | Selmers | Shakefiets | Skills vmbo | SMC | Strohm | Tata Steel Academy | Technisch College Velsen | Tetrix | VanDerEng | Vattenfall Powergen | Vicoma | Z-Bridge | ZTI