May 21, 2020

Techport Technology Week 2020

Techport will be working with Techport schools to develop the program for Techport Technology Week (TWW) 2020 and start recruiting schools and companies. This is in response to the survey and conversations held with Techport schools and partners. Over 75% of those asked indicated that the TWW should continue in October, though in a modified form. The RIVM measures are leading in this regard.

Thanks to the enthusiastic response from Techport schools, we are going to start shaping the program for the TTW. With enough applications from schools and a good program based on the RIVM guidelines, TTW 2020 will go ahead. The date for TTW 2020 is October 5 through 9, 2020. The program will probably be a combination of technique doing activities for the groups 8 of elementary school from the IJmond in sports hall De Walvis in Beverwijk (PET IJmond) and a digital offer for the junior classes of secondary schools from the IJmond and teachers.

Teachers of grade 8 can now register for PET IJmond at

Would you also like to contribute to the program for Techport Technology Week? Then contact Dionne Ruurda(