Sorama new partner of Fieldlab Smart Maintenance Techport
Sorama, as the first new partner since the Fieldlab Smart Maintenance was established, has signed a cooperation agreement and is now an official member of the Fieldlab. New partner Sorama is enthusiastic. Rick Scholte, founder of Sorama: "We see many opportunities for smart maintenance or smart maintenance and also want to test our newest noise sensors in the pilot plant. The cooperation that started with a co-financing project now gets a follow-up in a full partnership with the Fieldlab."
The collaboration with Sorama came about when existing Fieldlab partner Semiotic Labs, paired Sorama with Gerik ten Berge, Fieldlab program manager. "The acoustic camera supplier wanted to investigate whether their sound sensors could 'hear' the condition at the moving parts of the machine," he said. Tata Steel, another partner of the Fieldlab, was interested in this and together with Techport developed a plan and applied for a grant. Co-financing was received from the Innovatiefonds Maakindustrie Metropoolregio Amsterdam and the project started."
Bringing together different technologies, companies and educational and knowledge institutions is one of the ambitions of the Fieldlab Smart Maintenance. Innovating in this field cannot be done alone. This development shows that it works in practice.
Gerik: "Sorama again has a completely different way of detecting, for example, defects or wear and tear than the other partners. This makes Sorama complementary and interesting to join the Fieldlab. The first results of the proof of concept are also promising."
More information on the results can be read at:
The Fieldlab Smart Maintenance Techport is made possible by commitment from all partners and co-financing from the municipality of Velsen, province of North Holland and Kansen voor West and ERDF to boost the regional economy and innovation. Information about the Fieldlab's other partners can be found here.