Category: Techport schools

Jan Campert School

We foster understanding of other views, thoughts and beliefs. Meeting is central, with attention and respect for differences between children, parents and staff. The public school: not apart, but together.

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Nova College

For the IJmond, Haarlem, Haarlemmermeer, Amstelveen and Haarlemmermeer area, we offer secondary vocational education for the following directions: Auto Technology, Construction, CIOS, Dance and Theater, Entree, Trade and Commerce, Hotel School, ICT, Lab, Logistics, Marketing and Media, MyTec, Shipping, Order and Safety, Technology, Travel and Leisure, Beauty Care, Welfare, Business and Care. We also offer vmbo-t, havo and vwo (vavo) and courses such as language and math. For the business community we provide courses and training.

Why partner with Techport?

Together we strengthen the region by offering young people and companies the prospect of success. Because with a sustainable and future-proof manufacturing and maintenance industry, we offer the region the optimal space for educational innovation, and inspire as a regional training center for Lifelong Development.

Nova College is one of Techport's supporting partners.

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Jan Wieger Hof

The Origon

Elementary school De Origon is an elementary school in IJmuiden Zeewijk where development-oriented education is provided. The children learn the core subjects from themes and gain broad knowledge about world-oriented subjects. The children and teachers work from involvement, an inquisitive attitude and a creative approach to education.

Why partner with Techport?

We would like to teach technology meaningfully and in a broad context. The children learn what technology is all about and become enthusiastic about the worlds of technology through success experiences and wonderful applications.

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Mischa Roberts and Manja Dobbe

The Beekvliet

We are an elementary school with over 400 students in Velserbroek. We offer education in three locations, each tailored to the age and needs of the students. The younger children in grades 1 through 3 are in a cozy building called De Weid, while the older children in grades 4 through 6 are taught in another location with extensive facilities, such as a school library and a technology room. Grades 7 and 8 are in a third building.

We work with Kanjer training, which helps create a safe learning environment. We also use modern technology in education, such as iPads for younger children and Chromebooks for older students. We also offer additional challenging activities in science and technology to children who want to learn more through a plus class. We encourage children to learn in an active way by working as researchers or designers themselves.

Why partner with Techport?

The Beekvliet sees opportunities in cooperation with companies in the region. Students are introduced to technical professions, they are challenged to think with companies about the environment, sustainability, climate. In addition, we can participate in the various challenges, allowing students to learn hands-on and minds-on. Collaboration, critical thinking and creativity are also highly valued. Skills that they will desperately need later in the rapidly changing society.

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Annelies de Klerk

Technical College Velsen / Maritime College Velsen

We are the best school for true technical and maritime education. Theory and practice are linked. Students immediately apply what they have learned in practical classes and workshops. They learn to work independently, plan, organize, reflect and make choices so that after four years they leave school with a diploma and are well prepared for further education and/or business. As one of the few educational institutions in the Netherlands, we offer such a wide range of technology courses at the basic, intermediate vocational and mixed diploma levels.

Why partner with Techport?

In the junior year, our students already receive about 10 lessons per week in technology. During these lessons, attention is paid to learning craft skills but plenty of attention is also paid to Smart Technology. After the second grade, students start with a chosen profile. The number of hours of technology in the upper school is approximately 15 hours per week. The upper school students also learn in practice, for example through internships, company visits and our maritime students through lessons on our training ships. Together with other educational institutions, governments and companies, we want to work on good technical education in this region.

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Frank Out /


As much as possible, we teach according to the concept of "Developmentally Oriented Education" in which the experience, involvement and development of the individual child is central and we work with "Positive Behaviour Support".

In addition to basic skills, such as math and language, our school also focuses on communication, collaboration, independent work, presentation and digital literacy.

There are both methodical lessons (where the subject matter is offered through methods developed by publishers) and thematic lessons (where the subject matter is gathered by the teacher around a specific topic). Whenever possible, we try to bring the real world to school or go out and see it ourselves.

Why partner with Techport?

The Atlant Foundation has Engineering in its goals as a regular offering for students. So does the Parnassia.

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Wim Schrama

The Tourmaline

The Tourmaline stands for good and structured education. We pay a lot of attention to the basic subjects of language and arithmetic. This basis is necessary in order to subsequently start working on other subjects.

In addition, we work through the methodology of VierKeerWijzer in which we utilize the talents of students, preparing them to function independently and confidently in a changing society.

The students, at their own level, dare to be themselves in which they confidently make conscious choices. The pupils have an eye for each other and the environment. At the Tourmaline there is a warm cooperation between pupils, parents and teachers, allowing everyone to flourish to their maximum potential.

Why partner with Techport

Technology is one of our pillars that we like to pay extra attention to. Just like all other Atlantic schools!

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Carla Vogelzang

Montessori school Beverwijk

In addition to good math and language instruction, students are given ample opportunity with us to master skills that the future demands of everyone: independence/self-reliance, an entrepreneurial and inquisitive attitude, communication skills, responsibility, learning to learn, creativity and flexibility.

The educational climate at our school provides tranquility, safety, individuality, trust, commitment and warmth. We are housed in a beautiful school building at 100 Avenue of Blois. In 2019, new construction has taken place and space has been created in the school building for education in the 7 worlds of technology to reach its full potential. The schoolyard has also been taken in hand and transformed into a beautiful, green playground for all students.

In addition to the regular group teachers, the school has subject teachers for movement education, drama and music. The school collaborates with the Royal Concert Hall in Amsterdam, the Center for the Arts and is an enthusiastic Techport partner.

Curious? Check out our website and of course you can always drop by. Welcome and see you soon!

Why partner with Techport?

"Through the child to a new world" is a famous quote by Maria Montessori. The 7 worlds of technology are of today and of the future. To introduce and enthuse all students, girls and boys, to those 7 worlds is an important task for primary education.

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Herke van Beek and Sem Bleeker

The Adventure

The development of technology education in elementary school cannot be done without the cooperation with partners such as VO schools and companies. A large part of the day we work on the core subjects of math, language and reading, the basis for learning. The teacher gives instruction, then the subject matter is processed in varied ways. In the early years this is done playfully.

Regular conversations take place between teacher and student, in which (learning) results (content and process) are discussed and they set new learning goals together. This ensures that students take more ownership of their learning process.

The rest of the education and day is given in adventures (themes). In these adventures, world orientation, digital literacy, vocabulary, reading comprehension and the creative subjects are offered. In the adventures, we go on a journey with the students to understand and discover the world even better.

In technology education, children develop important skills they will need in the future and experience how wonderful it is to work with their hands. There is nature education in our own school garden.

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Sanne Miedema

Ichthus Lyceum

Our Technasium, talent streams of internationalization and Art & Culture as well as our extensive Ichthus Top Talent program and sports opportunities make the Ichthus Lyceum a school that has something to offer every student.

Why Techport?

Ichthus Lyceum is a Technasium, where all students are introduced to the seven STEM worlds of engineering. Technology is for everyone! That is why we like to work together with elementary school and technology companies in the region through Techport. By pooling our experiences and expertise, we really achieve our goal: more students choosing technique!

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The Keyflower

Not every child knows right away what his or her talents are. They have to discover that first. Kindcentrum De Sleutelbloem offers children the opportunity to develop that in different ways. That is why they already start in kindergarten with a broad program. Our focus is on organizing teaching differently. We work in teaching teams and the teaching is tailored to the learning needs of the students, starting from qualities, skills and talents of the students. They work a lot with subject teachers and certified trainers and offer a broad program of sports, cultural, nature and technical activities.

Why partner with Techport?

Five years ago, we noticed that our students often did not choose a technical education in high school. That realization caused us to join Techport and seek cooperation with the technical vmbo. Cultivating curiosity and wonder and offering a broad program in which engineering and technology play an important role; this is necessary to let children discover and develop their talents and to ensure that they choose a technical secondary education. Meanwhile, the current director, Melanie Clots, is successfully continuing this course. "Through all our efforts, we now see an average of three to four students moving on to technical vmbo each year! That takes a long breath with constant challenges, but we see that it pays off. So we will continue with it!"

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Melanie Clots

The Starfish

Zeester Elementary School places a high value on technology education. At school, a room is set up as a technology classroom and we work with various partners to introduce children to the world of technology.


Mark van Leeuwen