Category: Techport schools

The Mill Dune

The Molenduin prepares young people ages 12 to 18 to work in the industries of "green," engineering, hospitality or nursing.

Students get plenty of exposure to practice from grade one. Under the guidance of their mentor, they gain work experience on the shop floor. In the following years they do more and more work placements. Even at school they learn mainly in practice and at challenging workplaces in and around the school. Theory is focused as much as possible on the professional competencies that students need. If possible, students obtain certificates that they can put to good use in professional practice.

Young people gain job skills and learn to be "workers. We help them develop their work skills in a safe, structured environment.

Being on time, cooperating, asking for help, working safely: you need it all on the job market. We also supervise students well at their work placement, together with the practical trainer of the work placement company. This is how talent flourishes.

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The Marel

Kindcentrum de Marel strives for a form of education in which in the morning basic subjects such as arithmetic, spelling, reading and writing are offered in a structured way at different levels in a curriculum class group with one or two permanent teachers. In the afternoon, they focus on thematic work in which creative subjects, music and sports, among others, are incorporated into a theme that children work on according to a circuit model. Technology is also central to thematic work. And they know that you don't have to do that hap snap. With a broad offer and stimulating education we work on a good basis so that they children are well prepared for secondary school.

Education is continued after school by after-school care Welschap. they tie in with the themes and in terms of technology they also tie in through after-school workshops.

Why Techport?

Leonie Stoel, technology coordinator at De Marel says, "Our first introduction to Techport was in the spring of 2019. At that time, we were just orienting ourselves to new teaching methods and we wanted to think about it carefully before becoming a Techport partner. A school year later (in which the world looked very different also because of corona) we reconnected. Techport came personally to hand over the technique range and actually after that it was settled in no time with the planning of the technique activities within our renewed education.

The technology range lists the technology activities in the region for each group. So we no longer had to spend hours surfing the Internet to look up suitable technique activities. We used the previous school year to change teaching methods. In that, we also thought carefully about how technology education fits into this. Techport has put us on the right track; in doing so we looked very clearly at what would suit our school and our students. This school year we can therefore really start on technique and technology".

As a Techport School, De Marel, too, is now going to pay even better attention to technology lessons and to creating good images in children about technology. And not only with children; teachers are also discovering that engineering and technology are everywhere!

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Marie-José van de Vegt

Skills vmbo

Skills vmbo offers three different levels: basic, framework or mixed. And if a student performs well in a particular subject, it can also be taken and completed at a higher level.

Skills vmbo shapes education from the perspective of the individual student. In the junior years of SKILLS vmbo, students get to work on their future right away. In all classes from the first year on, they are introduced to the different profiles. They can also directly choose one of our thematic classes; sports, hospitality or technology. The lessons are focused on what suits them best. Together with their mentor they make plans and learn about all kinds of things. After a two-year bridging period, together we look at which profile and level, basic or framework, best suits the student.

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Bonhoeffer College has officially been a Technasium since September 19, 2016. Not just theory, but practice. At the Technasium, it's thinking and doing. Students are behind the wheel themselves. You take the place of a structural engineer, mining specialist, architect, radiologist or biomedical engineer, for example, and you work in groups on assignments that come directly from practice.

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St. Francis School

We believe it is important for today's children to interact and cooperate fully in society later on. We teach students that there is a multitude of opinions, that we must respect each other and learn to deal with differences.

We assume that parents respect the school's vision and conform to the way education is organized.

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With us, the emphasis of education is on teaching basic skills such as language, reading, writing and arithmetic. This is the main task of the school and we invest in it; in extra hours and materials. It increases the chances of our students in secondary education and in society.

In our education we want to meet the individual developmental differences and possibilities of the children as well as possible. Instruction and processing is offered at different levels, this is done from a team perspective, efficiently seeking the best way to offer instruction to the various levels within the learning years.

Learning basic skills can only take place optimally if it takes place in a safe and challenging environment. Only when a child is comfortable with himself will he be able to learn. This is why we attach importance to students being able to be themselves and feel respected. But especially that students know what and why they are learning and have ownership of their own development.

We assume that pupils grow up in a multicultural environment. In doing so, we see the diversity of cultural backgrounds of students as an enrichment and strive to mold our students into tolerant, but critical, citizens.

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Compass / Waldorf by the sea

Het Kompas is a general Christian elementary school. The values and norms from the Christian worldview guide our actions. The school is a community in which respect for yourself, for others and for the other is central.

Waldorf at Sea is a starting free school stream under the wings of school board Atlant Basisonderwijs. The location of this school is in one of the Kompass schools on Heerenduinweg (location East), beautifully situated opposite the forest. There is one kindergarten class and on August 17, 2020 a class 1-2 combination (group 3-4) will be added.

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The Clipper

We are a welcoming elementary school for children from grade 1 to grade 8. The core mission of our school is to create a safe and stimulating learning environment where children can develop cognitively, social-emotionally and creatively. We place strong emphasis on teaching basic skills such as reading, writing and math, as well as the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

One of the ways we contribute to making the IJmond region more sustainable is by teaching environmental awareness in themed lessons. Recycling and energy conservation are topics that are covered. Students are given projects in which they learn about the impact of their choices on the environment and are encouraged to come up with creative solutions to environmental problems. This helps cultivate a generation that is aware of the importance of sustainability. We have an engineering classroom and a vegetable garden.

Why partner with Techport?

De Klipper Elementary School partners with Techport to introduce students to technology and innovation at an early age.

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Dali College

Every student is unique. For example, you have different interests, talents and learning strategies than your fellow classmates. Some students are more theoretically oriented, while others prefer to work with their hands. At Dali College we take these differences into account. From the bridge class onwards, we offer multiple options so that you can grow in the learning route that suits you best. The Dali College provides education based on the individual student.

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We are a Catholic elementary school in Velserbroek and previously had two locations (one lower and one upper). We are part of the Atlant foundation. We provide contemporary education in which we find involvement, cooperation, meaning and paying attention to each other very important.

Besides the familiar subjects such as math, language, spelling and reading, we pay much attention to the personal development of the children. We teach the subjects through the projects of 4xWijzer. In these projects the different intelligences of the children are addressed. We are now a certified 4xWijzer school, of which we are very proud.

In addition, we pay a lot of attention to various aspects of ICT and students receive music lessons from a professional teacher. Children learn best in a safe environment, where there is a good atmosphere. Together we have agreed on rules for school. We work with the projects from the Peaceful School and we have a clear behavior protocol. We challenge the children to take ownership of their own learning process; to investigate and learn to make decisions independently. The teacher acts as their coach.

The team works well together and everyone has their specialty, for example we have ICT specialist, a math and language coordinator, early childhood specialist, plus class teacher and a number of excellent teachers.

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The Flying Dutchman

At the art and technology school De Vliegende Hollander you will discover your world. Very appropriate because IJmuiden is, after all, the gateway to the world! We are here for all children from IJmuiden and surroundings. Come and discover your world. By connecting as much as possible with the immediate environment, the neighborhood and society, a vibrant open learning environment is created for all children.

At The Flying Dutchman, broad development is central. Every child is different and is allowed to be who they are. We offer a broad, future-oriented and challenging program. Of course learning to read, spell and calculate is important. But development reaches further! Therefore, there is plenty of attention to other things such as Art and Technology. Here we seek as much as possible connection with the immediate environment, the neighborhood and society. An environment that challenges children to learn and develop and where they feel safe and at home.

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The Pleiades

At Pleiades Elementary School, you can be who you are, along with your own learning needs. We challenge children to perform optimally and set the bar high. By working with various levels in the groups, we give the children the education they need.

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