Category: Network Partners

Strong Engineering Education

Among other things, we make joint investments in technology promotion in primary education, offer LOB activities for technology, and promote curricula and programmatic connection with the ROC.

Why partner with Techport?

We share some of the same common goals as Techport. Working together and pooling efforts will increase the reach and effect of activities.

Contact details

Amber Pranger

World Class Maintenance

Our projects in the field of smart maintenance contribute to an extended asset life, to better mobility, to the necessary energy transition, to knowledge development and, last but not least, to Dutch competitiveness. We do this specifically for our members, but also for society as a whole.

We carry out cross-sector innovation projects, develop an education program and work on an active network in which asset owners, service providers, knowledge and research institutions and the government participate. Important pillars are our WCM Fieldlabs in which an entire sector is challenged to accelerate innovations by experimenting together.

Why partner with Techport?

As a national network organization for smart maintenance, we are of course a partner of Techport. In the partnership of governments, educational institutions and companies, we support the start-up and acceleration of innovation projects. The goal is 100% predictable maintenance for Dutch industry.

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