June 30, 2023

New tests in Fieldlab Smart Maintenance Techport

Together with Techport's team and teachers from ROC Nova College, the company has Samotics installed its new hardware in the Fieldlab Smart Maintenance Techport. Samotics measures the current and voltage, and thus the energy consumption of the pumps and motors in the pilot plant. Samotics is a Leiden tech company and has a software-as-a-service (saas) platform. This platform uses artificial intelligence to optimize electrically driven motor systems and prevent downtime. By installing in Techport Fieldlab, they also ensure that engineering students can gain experience with these measurements and data analysis.

Gerik ten Berge (Techport's project and program manager) says: 'It allows users to prevent asset failures, optimize performance and improve energy efficiency. This offers advantages in harsh industrial environments such as for pumps under water and in hot strip mills.' At Techport's Fieldlab, Samotics can test its latest product in a simulated industry environment. Ancillary - and therefore very interesting for Techport - is that Samotics would like to make its generated data open to Techport affiliated educational parties.

Daisy Beelen, practor Smart Maintenance at ROC Nova College: 'It is super that Samotics introduces our students to new techniques. They use these techniques for various educational purposes. Our students are thus not only offered knowledge from the theoretical angle, but also real time in practice. In the future the students will benefit a lot from this'.

Measurements and insights accessible for educational applications

By making the Fieldlab installation remotely controllable, ROC Nova College has invested heavily in the pilot installation, developing a wonderful context-rich educational environment. By linking Samotics' data and dashboard to its own platform and systems, Samotics' measurements and insights also become accessible for educational applications.

Win-win situation for education as business

Gerik ten Berge: 'With the use of the Fieldlab as a test, but also as an educational environment, we are creating a win-win situation for both education and business. Similar co-use agreements have also been made with other parties testing at the pilot facility, such as Sorama, a company that performs and analyzes acoustic measurements.' Want to know more? Feel free to contact gerik.tenberge@techport.nl.