Jan. 28, 2020

Smart Maintenance Masterclass

Bas Oonk, Learning Architect and owner of The Learning Engineer has been involved in the development of the Smart Maintenance MasterClass since this year, and in this interview he explains exactly what this MasterClass entails.

Why take a Smart Maintenance MasterClass?

"The manufacturing industry wants to produce more efficiently by using data from plant. Many manufacturers are exploring the possibilities of predictable (smart) maintenance of installations based on this data. The collection and analysis of data is often seen as advanced and predestined for (college+ ) engineers and analysts. But precisely the adoption by (MBO 3 and 4) technicians is decisive for the embedding and success of predictive maintenance in the plants. With the MasterClass Smart Maintenance we train this group in the various facets of predictive maintenance or the road towards it. The MasterClass Smart Maintenance is a master class for MBO-3/4 who have been working in the manufacturing and maintenance industry for a number of years."

Partners in the project

"The Nova College provides the civic value of the course and facilitates the development of the MasterClass in several ways. Techport, owner of the Fieldlab Smart Maintenance, is project initiator and coordinator, the grant applicant and provides the bringing together of companies and is also responsible for sustainability.The Learning Engineer is Project Leader, developer of the didactic model, concept and tools for the MasterClass Smart Maintenance and is responsible for the 'train the trainer' program (implementation and scaling of this).

The companies connected in this project are Facta, GWOC, Albermarle, Tata Steel, IJssel Technology, Microtechnology and Damen Ship Repair. All companies provide content expertise and capacity (staffing) of the project.

What is the status now?

"Currently, the contract has been signed for phases 2 & 3 of the development of the MasterClass. This means that phase 1, the preparation phase has been completed. The development process of the project is based on the SAM model. SAM stands for Successful Approximation Model and is characterized by the 'lean' or 'agile' way of working."

Bas explains: "the SAM model has three phases. Phase 1 is the preparation phase. In this phase, learning objectives, learning content, learning resources, learning interactions and the target audience are inventoried. In Phase 2 and 3, learning solutions, such as a magazine, a learning path in the Nova College learning management system and company-specific assignments are designed and developed. As well as V.R. and A.R applications and use of pilot installations (Fieldlab)."

What is your role in the master class?

"My role in the project is project leader and Learning Architect. I ensure that we complete all phases of the SAM model within time and budget. In phase 1, I guided the process for establishing learning objectives and did the inventory of learning content, learning resources and mapped content expertise from the connecting companies. In phase 2, I put together a concept that serves as the backbone of the MasterClass. This concept contains as many wishes as possible from all the companies, Nova College and Techport. From this concept and the inventory, I will develop new learning solutions, in collaboration with the companies and Nova College. Ultimately, I will bring existing and new learning solutions/learning tools together in the established concept and ensure synergy between the two. In that context, I also provide a 'train the trainer' program for teachers of the ROC Nova College and teachers provided from the companies. When everything is engineered, candidates can use MasterClass."

Start of the MasterClass

"In September 2020, we will start with the first group of candidates. This group will work with the beta version of the MasterClass. This group - consisting of employees from member companies - will be the first course participants. Scaling up to more companies will follow later in 2020 and the course will be fully "opened up. Parallel to the course in September, a lateral entry Smart Maintenance course will start in cooperation with House of Skills."