October 29, 2020

Hybrid teacher: variety and broad development

Hybrid teachers. Never heard of them? There are over 50,000 hybrid teachers in the Netherlands who combine their teaching job with another job. Think of teachers who are public servants, entrepreneurs, educational innovators or teacher trainers in addition to their teaching jobs. Techport received a grant from the national Talent for Technology Platform for a pilot on hybrid teachers in the IJmond region. Rianne Jaspers, also a teacher at Nova College, is leading this pilot for technology teachers together with technical companies from Techport.

The Netherlands wants to remain among the world leaders when it comes to the quality of education. Innovation and renewal are indispensable for this. There must be enough top teachers who put the renewed education into practice. In addition, the way young professionals view work and their careers is changing; fewer and fewer people are choosing one job for life. Variety, broad development and sustainable employability are becoming increasingly important. Rianne says: "Becoming a hybrid teacher is more and more of our time. Many people also don't know that you can teach up to 6 hours a week without a qualification and that you can then gain experience in teaching. And if you want to stay in education for a longer period of time, you can also work towards a qualification."

Rianne started the project in October: "In addition to my work as a teacher, I can work one day a week on the Hybrid Teacher pilot. The project plan has been made so we will now start the implementation. Besides, of course, actually recruiting hybrid teachers and developing a recruitment and matching tool, we also need to develop a joint vision for the mbo and vmbo when looking at, for example, working conditions and educational requirements. I also want to start a coaching program for hybrid teachers."

The grant has been awarded until September 2021 for now. Rianne: "I do not yet know what awaits me during this project and what we will encounter, but that also makes it exciting. I call on everyone who has ideas or wants to think along with me to get in touch. So do you know an interesting technical company? Or someone who might be interested in working as a hybrid teacher? Then send me an email."

Contact: rianne.jaspers@techport.nl