May 14, 2023

One hundred thousand euros distributed at the Kennemer Theater!

On May 11, the special edition of the Techport Roundtable Session "Choosing Engineering & Technology" was held. What do Techport Roundtable session participants spend the money on?

Special edition roundtable session

The special edition of the roundtable session, attended by no fewer than three aldermen and thirty representatives from various schools and educational foundations of primary, secondary and vocational education, was entirely devoted to expanding and embedding science and technology in primary education.

During the session, those present gave their input through the symbolic 100 thousand euro test. Not on yet another new plan, but on a program that brings successful activities together and makes them accessible to all children in IJmond.

Because if everyone has the opportunity at an early age to be introduced to the aspects of engineering and technology, can discover interests and talents, and have the opportunity to develop innovation skills, only then will the diverse, inclusive and motivated workforce that IJmond needs to meet the challenges of the future emerge.

Working together on new strategy

That is why Techport, Center for the Arts Beverwijk, Cultuurhuis Heemskerk, Stichting KunstForm Velsen, IJmond Noord Library Velsen,Sterk Techniekonderwijs IJmond/South-Kennemerland and Academy Tata Steel are working together with education in IJmond on a new strategy. A strategy that focuses on every child cultivating his/her talents and giving science & technology a place, equal to sports and culture, during and outside school hours.