Oct. 7, 2022

High interest in engineering among parents

More than 250 parents from the IJmond region visited the Promotion Event Techniek (PET) with their children on Thursday, October 6. Sporthal Beverwijk was transformed into 7 worlds of technique for this event in which the parents could do all kinds of technique workshops and activities together with their child. PET is part of the Techport Technology Week.

Techport organizes six events in one week in which children can experience and discover engineering and technology. In this way, Techport aims to get more children interested in working and learning in engineering and technology. In addition to an event for parents with their children, events were also organized for elementary school, secondary schools and elementary school teachers. Mark Denys, chairman Techport: "Nationwide, there is a great shortage of technicians. Especially in the IJmond region, where the manufacturing and maintenance industry is large. Techport believes it is important to introduce children to technology at an early age and at several points in their school career. By getting them excited and showing them that working in engineering is very diverse, we hope that more children will choose to study engineering."

The best for your child

Parents play an important role in their child's choice of further education. As a parent, you simply want the best for your child. A nice education with a guarantee of a future-proof job and a good salary. Mark: "During a special afternoon for parents together with their child we showed that a choice for technique makes this possible. After all, technology is everywhere. In healthcare, construction, food, media, industry, science and of course the energy transition."

Techport Technology Week in figures

1 week, 6 events, 7 worlds of engineering, 3634 students, 52 elementary school, 7 secondary schools, 253 parents with children, 74 teachers, 36 companies involved, 53 workshops, 21 company visits.

Techport Technology Week was made possible in part by:
Nova College, Province of North Holland, Municipality of Velsen, Municipality of Heemskerk, Municipality of Beverwijk, Spoorzone Beverwijk, VanDerEng B.V.,InstallatieWerk Noord, De Bie Buitenwerk, TenneT, Harsveld Apparatenbouw BV, Tata Steel, KenzFigee, Blok System Supply,Hoogewerf Engineering, HVC, Crown Van Gelder, Skills, Dali College, Gymnasium Felisenum, Stichting MyTec-Bedrijven, Bouwmensen KZW,Tetrix, e2 Young Engineers Haarlem, Ichthus Lyceum, Wij Techniek, Technisch en Maritiem College Velsen, Lexlab, Stichting Nieuwe Makers, Stichting Junior IOT, Hogeschool Inholland Alkmaar, Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports (AYOP), Citymarketing Velsen | ijmuiden.nl, Sterk Techniekonderwijs, SMC, InnoMax, KIM Plus Delta, Post Staalbouw, Selmers and Lashuis Haprotech.