Translating data into practice
SURF: a non-commercial organization with 100 members, including universities, colleges, ROCs, TNO, academic hospitals and knowledge institutions. Robert Griffioen, Executive Project Leader: "Within SURF we work on ICT innovations and ensure that the knowledge gained is disseminated."
For a year now, Techport and SURF have been working together with the Free University and a number of companies on a case about predicting the failure of machines, also known as predictive maintenance. Robert: "What we wanted was a platform to visualize what kind of data is in a given plant. First we built the platform and selected a set of data points to show how it works. Now we are researching exactly what data we then want to visualize and analyze. Together with experts from IJssel Technology, Facta, Tata Steel and an intern from the VU we are looking at which data points stand out. There is a lot of knowledge present, so anything suspicious we recognize immediately."
Data has now been collected from different companies and from different sensors. Robert: "Now it's important to find algorithms that fit well in practice. Whether we can find that algorithm we don't know yet because we just started. It's also quite difficult because not everything is documented. So you might find something that has been done before, but you can't always substantiate this. So it is still a search, but I am hopeful that by the end of this year we will find an algorithm that we can translate into practice. And if so, then we can share this knowledge with other Techport companies."
Want more information about this project? Then contact Just Schornagel(