December 17, 2020

The Mill Dune

The Molenduin prepares young people ages 12 to 18 to work in the industries of "green," engineering, hospitality or nursing.

Students get plenty of exposure to practice from grade one. Under the guidance of their mentor, they gain work experience on the shop floor. In the following years they do more and more work placements. Even at school they learn mainly in practice and at challenging workplaces in and around the school. Theory is focused as much as possible on the professional competencies that students need. If possible, students obtain certificates that they can put to good use in professional practice.

Young people gain job skills and learn to be "workers. We help them develop their work skills in a safe, structured environment.

Being on time, cooperating, asking for help, working safely: you need it all on the job market. We also supervise students well at their work placement, together with the practical trainer of the work placement company. This is how talent flourishes.

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