October 6, 2020

Review of Techport's contribution to Smart Industry Annual Event Northwest

During the first Smart Industry Northwest Annual Event on Sept. 29, Gerik ten Berge of the Fieldlab Smart Maintenance Techport and Fieldlab partner Wim Gielen, regional manager of IJssel Technology discussed the added value of Predictive Maintenance in the production process. A short video pitch of the Fieldlab was also made for this conference.

Presentation fieldlabs

During the first annual event of Smart Industry Hub Northwest, the various field labs and entrepreneurs presented the latest projects in Digital Twinning and Smart and Predictive Maintenance. Via chat, participants were able to ask questions that were presented to the speakers by chairman of the day Mark Beumer. As a follow-up to this annual event, attendees were offered in-depth sessions for each topic discussed in order to connect directly with the Fieldlabs and establish concrete collaborations.

Smart Industry Hub Northwest

The Smart Industry Hub Northwest is committed to getting as many manufacturing entrepreneurs as possible in the Northwest Netherlands to actively participate in Smart Industry activities.If you want to watch the entire conference, you can do so on the Smart Industry Northwest website. You can find the contribution of the Fieldlab Smart Maintenance Techport at 47:30 minutes.